Woke up in da morning, 5a.m, yesterday was slept arounded 12something, somebody is riot my sweet dream, revision until 11.30p.m, when i ready to slept, my brother was louder the speaker disturbed my dream, sigh! Some tight about science question, stress in whole day until it was E.N.D!
I havin' 3subject in da day, science paper 1& 2, art! Science, paper was damn easy, but i don't knew how to get the answers, some confidence is lost after discused with classmates, sigh! what can i do? paper two, is fuckin' memory for me, what fermentation, proton, and important some chapter i was not prepared well! wth, if have chance i'll retake back! i thought paper2 is gone and DEAD, and lastly, art! Haha, this sub is damn E-A-S-Y for me and all the one even we're NO REVISON. Done up folio on July, teacher was told us, PASS already, but you must enter to the real-exam only 100% pass.(idiot punya pun tahu LOL) This sub i close my eye also done it WELL! I asked them, why so free and no need burst nose to the book and get some revision? you know what the guy answered me? I damn love what he said to me(靠自己感觉去走,自己的直觉是最准的!)! Voon Hong, i agree! 50question, i just shoot some only, because the mark is free for you LOL! hahah! End up exam part, economy is coming soon, yeah! Revision LOL!
Afternoon, came back almost 3something, half an hour is finished my art paper! Arrived home,
the three guys stayed at living room, colin playin' ps3, louis and selin is watching movie! And my brother, was busy his job! Evening, went out to the field against, we play badminton, ran here ran there play with my puppy! They was happy and I was tired LOL! Nobody in at home, just leave my cousin and me staying at home! sigh, they're overnight at my home on tonight (i gotta felling, tonight will not been a good good night!hahah).....Colin and Louis are playing ps3, both of them're challenge, selin is sleeping like pig! And me, updating blog LOL, so sleepy and exhausted!
(cakap betul betul punya, jangan tipu aku ahh! Lolz!)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This should be update on last week, but my Lame USB is spoiled! Is taken last on wednesday, went to uncle party, having dinner and some dishes is quite delicious! I miss that day, jotting down my memories over here.

Aged is 17 years~ my passion since that day!
Ballantines, drink drank drunk?
i'm not taked too much of that day, however is free and the taste is good .
Colin, Selin and me!
Ballantines, drink drank drunk?
i'm not taked too much of that day, however is free and the taste is good .
This cause i still have next part event gonna join it!
Satisfices? enjoyable your reading.
Ultimately, i think will been lately only update my blog!
coz i gonna do revision for economy!
I want score pass, will been some greedy, I want 'A'!
hahaha! science is gone, still leave two subject, after that i can enjoy my holiday and trip!
Satisfices? enjoyable your reading.
Ultimately, i think will been lately only update my blog!
coz i gonna do revision for economy!
I want score pass, will been some greedy, I want 'A'!
hahaha! science is gone, still leave two subject, after that i can enjoy my holiday and trip!
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