I'm Single and Available

I'm Single and Available

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Lost and Found

Feeling boring on now. Just mood in blogging right now.

I staying at Kuantan already two week. I till remember last few day on Wednesday morning. Mood in good and waiting both cigarettes and i sang a song for them, (i'm coming home coming home tell the world im coming home). cuz i considering what kind of entertainment is waiting for me, both was stund and laughed said, Vicky, please la, early morning don't catch weird mood for us la. haha! Evening, i recieved a bad news from him, Vicky, we stay here one more week cuz next week we were going K.terengganu! sigh.....you hurt me so long! Thats why i was damn no mood in da whole day. And him, fucking bad, far away called me from kl asked me join him to alive @ sunway on saturday night! How was my feel? work and relax which more important?

Sunday went to K.T work. Monday they headed out went to CLUB. Yeah baby, is my favourite and i was quit in few month. Damn miss the feel~ I drink i sing i dance, ultimate, i drunk i sang i dizzy! God bless me, liquor really killed me much.

Time crossing damn fast, more a week I can leave here and enjoy my life in KL. I miss you guys, thanks for calling me when I need your asking. haha~

Give everythin' please.

I was stressing, what i stressing? I was worrying, what i worrying?

I tryin accept the way wouldn't make me trouble.
relaxing, when the wind blow into my face,
i felt freshing and less emotion. thanks you girl.

I miss home, i miss my mum, i miss kl.
Especially is you, i miss you everyday~

Bussiness @ Traveller

Hey, is time no update on here.
Just a random posting and simple describing.

Okae, i was staying at here, Kuantan.
Last two week, monday arrived amd till now,
need stay one more week in here, i almost insane.
But, fortunately, it was my colleaugue Joselin hometown,
so she gonna be tourist bring us eat and fun.

Tuesday, was a public holiday.
So at night we decided steak for dinner,
so just headed out famous steak house.

mini butter.
appetizer, salad mix chicken.
mushroom soup, taste good better then pizza hut.
garlic bread with cheese.
chicken chop, not mine, johnny ordered.
and mine, sizzling black pepper chop. I prefer the sweet corn.

Ok, stay tuned, i gonna settle my new website.