To be frank, basically only boy will treat me eat and drink,
but my first time means that the girl is treat me eat and carlsberg!
one bucket both of us is gao dim,
but i seldom drink it!
she is treat me dunhill light,
aduii, the taste so shit, menthol is better lah!
Was meet up all the high school punya 'old' friends,
walao, all exchange a lot, and the stupid!
c y l, called me treat her two bucket!
walao, i'm the bankrup and my money is running low!
she thought that i'm drunk as like blur!
Sebenarnya, dia sudah mabuk LOL!
ToTo, tipu org tdk otak!
they're ordered two bucket carlsberg,
aduii.........a lot guys over there also need A-A payment oh?
rugi liao, ordered sky juices lagi worth mah!
(因为全部都要做工,变度似我好得闲系屋企寻同食!) *注米大懒虫
012 & 016都系!
Was slept in da lately on last night,
around 3something lah,
chat with sor lou at msn and with my lou por at fb too!
both of them damn ham sap! aduii, both of you knew i knew lah!
s-e-c-r-e-t! they was chatted with me a lot! shhhh..........
(but i know, they're joking with me! blekkk)
6a.m. sedang saya punya sweet dream,
the stupid is called me woke up!
A-D-U-I-I! just a small case also need to told me.
but he my vvip, i wouldn't reject his call!
received his call and laugh him! haiz, sleeping also getting happy!
first time gave you liao! so rugi ahh me!
stopped the call and continue my dream! shhh.....silent dream!
8a.m, my family and cousin is called me woke up out of breakfast!
Aduii, baru tidur sekejap pun mau bangun oh!
(many pimples is bursting out ahh!)
Until now, so tiring but so awake!
Going interview later.
Hope that is success!
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