I'm Single and Available

I'm Single and Available

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

My bday

After finish school, we went to Kim Gary take a brunch!! Sam, Ling, Jin, Xue, Hong and me!! Six person went to Jusco K.G!! Pic will update soon, my M2 stick is losing, I can't update it recently!!

We order a lot of food and desert!! Baked cheese rice and mango ice mellow for me, fuckin' delicious...
DAMN, our stomach damn full!! So, starting today, we all need to keep fit and DIET.. Haha, accept Ling and Xue, because there flunk it Nationaly Service!!
No wonder and both of you no crashing need to worry about the weight!!

Today have no idea and blogging!! Anyway, just like that!! I'm unhappy for some of-YOU!!

For those people!! I'd understand what you freaking through your heart, yourself know and myself know it!! Don't act and just dumb behind/infront of me, DOUBLE FACES!! If YOU unwilling celebration with me, fine!! No chance and I couldn't celebrate to YOU again!! I just will speechless and pretend infront of YOU!! Don't blame it on me because this is the fact YOU showing me!!I just learning from YOU!! Ya, I prefer copyin' and I've recognize that I'm the COPY CAT!!

YOU- ''doesn't means ONE guy''
If you guys understand what I'm saying, ask yourself and consider it!! You couldn't giving me any trustworthy!! Dare of you so like to lie me!! How you treat me and I'll treat you back, I'm not barbarous girl and I just mention for YOU!! Slut!! Introspection yourself please!!


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