Yesterday, woke up 5.45am and went to school, first time saturday went to school and join C-C!
haha, whatever and never regret make a decision went to school although is very exhausted!! Very glad and it wasn't my last year staying at this school! So if got any event I also will join it..
Come back my topic, after went to school, me, sam, and my cousin went to l.s to watched up idol from H.K! Just showing my pic let's talking with you!
sam, xian, ying, yi, yin, wen, jin, xue and ME..
we again~happy!

natural right? but got abit weird!!!
friendship's 2009
me and kar yi.. {one + one} her nick name!

helping my friends promotion! and my throat is painful right now!
After school, went to l.s watched up my idol!
idol idol...ilove 'chai gou gor'
After finished up the event,
my cousin, ''awesome...
nothing special and I got the pic more clearly on camera,
so maybe will upload as soon!
After finished up the event,
haha..went to shu xian house..
around 5pm like that, starting our crazy time!
clique containing got, sam, jin, wen, xian, yin, kar yi, my cousin, xue, and ME!
At here to be honest, them played so cruel, frantically and excitement!!
haha, fortunately I din't have swam at that time!cz got something problem!
If not I sure dead!! lucky....
OMG, she be flunk and give my friends throwing to the swimming pool!
and ultimately she ran away!
resting...and all the guys is fluster

yi wen..misery of her and to be sacrifice!!
come, let's get a pic! physical of them!
After playing off~ they bath and we ready out of dinner!
oh no, all the guy's drag her and I guess she dreaded at the moment..
auntie fetching us out and we went to mak mak tea! Gossip~
chui sui'
hahaha..funny day...
I guess all the guy's is very happy and exhausted!
can you see us?
11 guys sit in one car~awanza*!!
almost 10plus only reached home! Damn exhausted but felt so happy!
Later, continue my project and more of my photo will upload soon!
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