Yesterday, got 2guys invited me join their party,
evening 6.30 went to my friend shu xian party..
at here need to say with you, happy birthday although the date was expiry..
let's pic showing to let you know guys..
yesterday she was leng leng..
her family deserved many food for us..
not just at there..
hong, sam ,me drank with uncle..
After 9.30pm we need to leave away and went to low yat continuously next party..
10 something we arrived L.yat redbox, so me and sam join QI and her bf..
Just precaution my photo..

nice post, damn passion it..
Our party is time to started..
refill and refill..
I guess that moment I was going insane..
my face facility look ot red {tomato}
babe Q with her beer..
hui with him secret recipe cake..
hey, he not dude, just a real man..haha!! my practical joke..but he din't have happy mah
Qi and her bf..sweet sweet sweet!!forgot called them kiss..
On the way backed home, unfortunately I vomited at HUI cars, so sorry and I'll not purposely,
suppose 1.30am arrived at home still felt issue and faster ran to toilet and vomited,
felt it so apologies guys!!
after vomit i'll just be able some refreshed..meanwhile, headache..
and my heart DAMN arching..after that,quickly line down and slept
*awesome, horrible, time I'll wont frantically-(obviously)!!
That day 200609..I'll will kept it memorirs!!
I want to signing off, cz I starting today wanna have a healthy life!!
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