Was entered Bangsar @ Mist club on friday.
First party because reason of, Eddie farewell,
second is before he departure, celebration my birthday!
Thanks you dude & girl attend on that night.
(something am happen on that night, but lucky can settle it.)

Herenna & Joey.(i guess both first meet.)
Thanks him so much.

steady lol.
Joey and ah boy. match?
Enjoyable my paty night.
Mr ? & Joey
Parties people.
sexy joey jie. wiwiw
Vicky & Chris

(couple on that night)
Ultimately, i done for my update!Next posting i thought will create as my health life on a week.I decided staying at home on a week after finish working.Honestly, consecutive few week club as crazy. I realy can't keep on going as this habits & Life, i need concentrate my work and accompany my family mush as more. I need attempt and face my trouble on current. I couldn't keep escape & decieved myself, is time awake! Thanks my friend & buddies always remind me let me introspection. Am so disgusted club life, maybe tea i till can acceptable! My money was running low, i till thinking how to cover my budget, save or less out?
0143 am right now. till not feel any sleepy cuz havin' my ''double kau'' w.coffee at old town. With Alvin have a tea session at midah old town! He is a director, since ?? his have his personal entrepreurs of occupation (interior designer ).fortunately he was kind and friendly! Our age is different and he was 26 in 2010. He never despice me this low class people. xD! He teached me alot matter, i more prefer mature people. yeah man!
*Is time set a goals for myself. Is time to grown up, vicky chong, don't be a childish again!
scw, this is i need do it on currently.
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