Tuesday night went to Shah Alam I-city with penang friend, ah wei & his dearest wife. And sure i'll found my partner SCW. He was kind and fetched us visit i-city and the next day he been leader bring us went out travel. Although just a short trip, but we get alot happy and fun inside couple day.
Outfit of the day. before shah alam.
We meet up at bkt bintang ''ah lor street''.
After both finnished dinner with their family,
then we startin' departured.
We arrived shah alam probably 11something.

The first step when you go in you'll catch sight of this mini tower.

X-mas tress. it's so taller.

as meteor flashing.

wei @ selin

just tree with me.

i-city lighting view.

selin @ wei

selin watching the tree.

and me.

green castus.

im screamin', cuz they call me act the feel thorn by castus.

sweet kissin. but till the same post. sigh@

both rediculous.

you see this stupid destroyin the castus.

copy someone nice post, im agree im doesn't suitable in this post.
ah wei said me, face problem. xD

this is the scenery & devices i-city became famous place.

mini x-mas tree. colourful. damn lighting!

ostrich with wei @ selin.

wei actin' photographer.

you can catch the sight, all the tree is colourful.

soh, me, wei, selin. four of us!

you can see the stupid use the fierce face looking to me.

ah wei is a naught guy.

the feel for me as, both honey moon at japan.
(sakura tree.)

you see a naught again go destroy.
(actually he is disturbing the tree.)
Sexual Part, make you guys fun.

im too darkness.

both naughty.

he forces the horse go kicked his bird. ham sap.

Probably arrived home 3am in da morning.
The next day, wednesday. woke up around 8am.
make someone waiting me almost 1an hour outside my house.
blame who, two also got fault.
we arrived one-U around 11something.
Just take some picture. not much of satisfied.

End. thanks for viewing!
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